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White Springs Cemetery at Black Springs

White Springs Cemetery at Black Springs

Five ancestors are buried in the White Springs Cemetery at Black Springs NSW. Most of the 44 other people buried there are also close relatives.

The first person to be buried in this cemetery was ancestor Patrick Hanrahan on 13 November 1858. His mother-in-law, Mary Hogan nee McMahon, followed him a few months later on 7 September 1859. Her daughter Catherine Hogan was married to Patrick Hanrahan and another daughter (Margaret Hogan) was married to Peter Behan, each of whom is also buried here. Virtually all of the other 44 people who are buried in the cemetery are descendants of Mary Hogan. This includes Mary Ann Kessey and her husband John Kessey. Click on the picture (below) of any of the ancestor memorials to see a page with specific information about it.

 Memorial for Patrick Hanrahan  Memorial for Catherine Hanrahan  Memorial for Mary Hogan nee McMahon  Memorial for John Kessey and Mary Ann Hanrahan

Ancestors resting here

The following five ancestors are buried in this cemetery.